The dollar bill dimensions and fun facts: believe it or not

A man sit on a couch holding and looking at many dollar bills in his hands.
August 22, 2024 | Alliant Credit Union

A dollar is the basic monetary unit in the United States. But how much do you know about it? Consider these facts including the length of a dollar bill and dollar bill measurements:

  • Paper currency, or paper money, isn't really made of paper. It is composed of a blend that’s 25% linen and 75% cotton. That’s so United States notes are difficult to counterfeit and won’t crumble in the wash.
  • The one dollar has an average life span in circulation of 6.6 years according to the Federal Reserve. Compare that to the $100 bill, which has an average life span of 22.9 years because it doesn’t pass between users as frequently. In an interesting twist, the $5 bill has the shortest average lifespan, coming in at only 4.7 years.
  • It costs the U.S. government 2.8 cents to produce a "George Washington", which accounts for the labor, paper, ink and direct overhead costs needed for each bill. In general, higher value bills have higher printing costs, with the $100 bill costing 8.6 cents to print. The government prints about 38 million notes each day (mostly to replace bills that are torn, soiled or otherwise unusable).

How long is a dollar bill in inches: Dollar bill size

The dollar bill weighs in at 1 gram and is .0043 inches thick. Take out a ruler and measure it – you’ll find it's 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long.

  • One dollar bills account for 31% of all currency the United States produces.
  • There are about 14.3 billion one dollar bills in circulation, 1.5 billion in two dollar bills, 3.5 billion in five dollar bills, 2.3 billion in ten dollar bills, 11.5 billion in twenty dollar bills and 18.5 billion in one hundred dollar bills in circulation.
  • The government recycles 90% of all the federal reserve notes it shreds. Some end up in souvenir bags for visitors to Federal Reserve Banks. Some of it is used by power plants for fuel and by manufacturers of goods, such as cellulose insulation for homes. And some is composted to fertilize plants, such as trees. “Our staff likes to tell visitors that money doesn’t grow on trees, but can help trees grow,” says Federal Reserve Bank spokesman Bill Medley.

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