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How can I authenticate my Plaid connection?

There are two options for authenticating or reauthenticating your Alliant account with Plaid for seamless app integrations and financial transactions.107

Option 1: Link and re-link on Plaid’s website
The easiest way to ensure that all of your favorite Plaid-enabled tools are properly authenticated and linked with Plaid is to set up a Plaid login and account to link, unlink and relink accounts on the Plaid website:

This method will let you review all of your accounts that are linked to Plaid in a single list and will give your better control over your account privacy.

Option 2: Link and re-link using individual apps

You can link or unlink your accounts to Plaid using individual apps. For example, you can use the Robinhood app to link/unlink your Robinhood account with your Alliant account and use the Coinbase app to link/unlink your Coinbase account with your Alliant account. Using this method would mean that you don’t need to create a Plaid login, but you run the risk of missing a Plaid-enabled app that is already connected to your Alliant account, in which case you’ll be signed out of your account 30 days after we go live with Plaid. You’ll then need to reauthenticate.

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